Here are the Sires we are currently using, and which are represented in our sale offering.
Our cow herd is everything to us. We talk about them as much as the Bulls & Heifers we sell, because they are where it all starts.
We are proud of the Dams of Distinction in our herd. They are the cream of the crop of the Hereford breed. When you see DOD in our cow pedigrees, you know you have something special.
Below are our current Herd Sires, all linked to the American Hereford Association’s website for pedigrees, performance, and epd’s.
This time when we went north of the border hunting for our next Canadian herd sire, we asked a friend what he’d seen out in the countryside. He pointed us towards 87G and his breeder, Keith Rutledge. Our friend knew what we liked, and how important it was to us to click off each box. This big, thick, rugged Sire was in the Calgary Bull Sale and exactly what we were looking for. Everyone who has seen him, Hereford buyers or not, has loved him.
Our selection from Cooper’s 2021 sale is an exciting young sire. We liked him as well as anything else we saw. The proof is in the pudding, so we looked forward to seeing his calves come spring 2022. They were worth the wait.
Our choice in the Baumgarten sale. The meaning of the word maternal. Super udder scores, mik flow and fertility. Very thick and athletic. His sisters from both Sire and Dam are spectacular.
We bid on 5184C at Cooper’s 2016 sale and faced stiff competition from someone online. That “someone” turned out to be our partner on the bull 1/2 hour after the sale: Vernie Doehring of Noack Herefords, TX. This Bull never misses. Always has the eye pigment and super shaped udders plus milk. The sons are easy calving and thick made. Great disposition with the knack to make improvements in every cow he serves.
From Lilybrook in Alberta. 203E has terrific thickness and correctness. He has a very solid EPD profile. Red eyed with a great hair coat. –
This Bull has grown up to be a very impressive Sire. His sons throw a lot of calving ease, maternal greatness, and top end carcass traits. Sires style and muscle. Natural superiority in udder and teat scores. Calves are smaller and vigorous at birth.
157K was an 11-trait, proven industry leader. 157K is known and used throughout the United States and western Canada. This breed-leading Sire was an American Hereford Assn. 11-trait leader. After several calf crops with 157K, and his sons and grandsons, we know with certainty that his daughters have perfect udder conformation and are moderate sized. He sires red eye pigment, great dispositions and superior performance and makeup. His calves’ actual carcass scans are impressive. His birth weight is breed average in horned and polled herds alike. In fact, we thought so highly of 157K that we continued to use him AI and used 5 sons or grandsons of him. (Semen available on 157K.)
Took 236F’s picture from his video at Lilybrook in Alberta. He was bound for the Medicine Hat sale when the sale was cancelled spring 2020, so we were fortunate to learn about him in time to purchase him late spring 2020. He’s a handsome bull and sires show type heifers every time. Sires real performance and top cows. His grandsire, 40W, was maybe the best looking, thick big Bull we’ve seen. (A 157K son.)
We’ve sold to and bought from the Doenz family for three generations now, so when Nelson called to tell us he had a bull he thought we’d like, we listened. 319C’s progeny have really risen to the top here. Females are very good uddered and high volume. Will sire a thick one every time. Top calving ease score of 8.9 and a real solid 5 Star REA. Red eyed and thick as are his progeny.
First bull in the ring in Holden’s 2015 Sale. Mister Consistent. Every female looks alike. The sons are easy to sell time after time. Light to moderate birthweights. Thick made, super uddered females. Super carcass in both REA and IMF. Owned with Holden, Debter and TNT.